Check out these resources to help you get started on your fast!
A full fast is when you abstain from food and drink only water or other liquids for a specified period of time or season. Fasting is meant to be a time of focus on God and growing in your relationship with Him. By removing food from your daily schedule you are able to use that time to seek God, replacing meal time with time in prayer. If you are doing a “liquids only” fast, remember to increase your daily water intake as some of our daily water intake comes from food. Drink more than usual to avoid dehydration, however do not overdue it as too much water intake can have negative results as well.
Daniel FAST
A Daniel fast requires no meat, sweets or bread. It consists primarily of fruits and vegetables.
A partial fast is when you fast from sun up to sun down.
Non Food Related Fasts
Fasting is meant to be a time of focusing on God, therefore abstaining from anything that involves your time and/or attention or focus could be something that you may choose to fast from and dedicate that time instead to the Lord. Some considerations may be…
- Social Media
- Television
- Video Games or other forms of recreational entertainment